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California law (Section 81075.1) states: "The licensee shall be responsible for ensuring that children with obvious symptoms of illness, including but not limited to fever or vomiting are not accepted...

HB Policy 1/31/2023 update: Children may not attend the program if:
A. An illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in facility activities;
B. An illness results in a greater care need than the child care staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children;
C. The illness poses a risk of spread of harmful diseases to others; or
D. The child has any of the following conditions:
a. Temperature: Oral temperature of 101°F (or ear 100.4°F) or greater; accompanied by behavior changes or other signs and symptoms of illness until medical evaluation indicates inclusion, or child is 24 hours fever free.
b. Symptoms and signs of severe illness such as unusual lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs until medical evaluation indicates inclusion.
c. Uncontrolled diarrhea, that is, increased number of stools, increased liquid, or decreased form that is not contained in the diaper, until a normal bowel movement occurs.
d. Vomiting illness (two or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours) until vomiting resolves or until a health provider determines the cause to be non-communicable, and the child is not in danger of dehydration.
e. Mouth sores with drooling unless a healthcare provider or health official determines the condition is noninfectious.
f. Rash with fever or behavior change, until a health care provider determines that these symptoms do not indicate a communicable disease.
g. Scabies, head lice, or other infestation, until treatment has been initiated. For lice, head inspection at arrival must show child to be nit-free.
h. Tuberculosis, or positive TB test result, until a health care provider or health official states that the child can attend child care.
i. Impetigo (bacterial skin infection), until treatment has been initiated.
j. Strep throat or other streptococcal infection, until 24 hours after antibiotic treatment of condition and 24 hr fever free.
k. Chicken pox, until 6 days after the onset of rash or until all of the scabs have dried and crusted.
l. Pertussis (whooping cough), until 5 days of appropriate antibiotic treatment.
m. Mumps, until 5 days after the onset of parotid gland swelling.
n. Hepatitis A virus, until 1 week after the onset of illness or as directed by the health department when passive immunoprophylaxis has been administered to the appropriate children and staff. o. Measles, until 4 days after the onset of rash.
p. Rubella, until 6 days after onset of rash.
q. Ringworm (fungal skin infection), if lesion cannot be covered.
r. Purulent conjunctivitis (defined as pink or red conjunctivitis with white or yellow discharge) until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated or the child has been cleared by a physician.
s. Unspecified respiratory illness, severely ill children with the common cold, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, and otitis media (ear infection).
t. Respiratory syncytial virus, must be kept from infant and toddler classrooms until medically released by a physician.

Children may return when no longer contagious. They must be able to participate in normal class activities including outdoor play. A child who appears to staff to show signs of illness may be excluded from class and may have to be taken home. Staff should communicate with parents through daily notes or posting exposure notices. It is our program policy to post exposure notices on classroom doors when we discover that children may have been exposed to a contagious illness at the center. Please check for these notices, since you will need to watch for symptoms in your child, and may want to consult with your doctor if you are pregnant regarding your exposure. In the very rare circumstance that a contagious outbreak occurs causing the majority of a classroom to be out sick at one time, the program reserves the right to close a classroom, to maintain the health and well being of other children/staff at that center.

Please call your child’s teacher by 9:00 a.m. if your child will be out for the day. Parents are required to call the center immediately to report contagious conditions. Any absence of 5 or more consecutive days due to illness will require a doctor’s note to return to school.

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